Week 7: Working from Home

๐Ÿ“† 09.11.202 – 13.11.2020 ๐Ÿ“†

To whoever is reading this,

This week we started working from home. I was a little nervous – I didn’t know how I would manage not having someone right next to me in the office to ask if I had any questions. I’m also a super sociable person, I barely survived the first lockdown let alone a second one! But I didn’t have to worry; our team is really sociable and the people I work with on a daily basis were just a phone call away, always happy to help me if I had any questions.

Whilst it still sucks, I miss seeing everyone in person, it definitely has it’s up sides – I don’t have to commute back and forth from work every day. It takes me about 3 hours in total (sometimes less, if I’m speeding on the motorway – and by speeding, I mean going at 65). Work is crazy busy right now, any spare time I have, Iโ€™m working, so Iโ€™m definitely taking advantage of working from home! Honestly, the earlier days where I didnโ€™t have much to do, or not that many deadlines, were the least fun. It sounds really lame to say, but the fulfillment you gain from completing loads of tasks, to a high quality and within a good time is such a great feeling. So yeah, two skills Iโ€™m learning this week is multitasking and attention to detail.

But I have learned there is a danger of spending hours each day, in the same room, not moving. Thatโ€™s what I did for the first couple of days and felt myself going slowly insane! Even during the first lockdown, when I was in Birmingham doing my LPC exams, I at least used to dangle my leg out the window so I felt a bit of sun, a bit more human๐Ÿ˜

I forced myself to stick to my early morning regime, commute or not, and go for my morning runs ๐Ÿท it was the craziest thing, on Monday after I went running, both my feet went numb. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, thought it might be a damaged nerve, but on Thursday evening, the entire right side of my body went numb. I called 111 and they told me to go straight to A&E.

I’m not complaining, I know that the NHS is crazy busy at the minute – but I’ve never been more tired in my life. I got there around 9:30pm, waited to see a doctor until 7:15am, went home to take a quick power nap and started work at 8:00am. I was fine doing things like this at Uni, I’m definitely too old now. My 10 espresso shot coffee just isnโ€™t cutting it anymore.

Anyway, he just told me I need to get an MRI so that’s something to look forward to…
