Week 45 – Re-Integrating

📆 02.08.21 – 06.08.21 📆

To whoever is reading this

I finally took a day off from work (well, half a day, I’m still figuring out the whole work/life balance situation). I went back to Birmingham, where it all started, to see my uni friends and my law professors.

I’ve really felt the need to take weekend breaks and plan trips away since the restrictions are starting to life. During the week, I’m sat on my computer, for hours on end in the same room – super healthy, I know. I’m making a conscious effort to go outside more and force myself to take walks at lunch time. It’s nice to be able to look forward to things again, plan trips away. It really refreshes me for the week ahead. The only downside is seeing my bank balance decreasing!

I’ve also been trying to come into the office as much as possible. Its nice, seeing everyone in person. Being forced to have a start and cut off point (I still can’t drive in the dark and I’m scared of getting locked in the office like I was during my first week) is really helpful for me. I’m terrible at ensuring I stick to a schedule and have regular breaks. It’s a little unpredictable at the minute, especially as I’m due to start my medication soon (🙈) so I feel really lucky to have the option.