Week 33: Paralysed

πŸ“† 10.05.21 – 14.05.21 πŸ“†

To whoever is reading this,

12 May 2021.

A day I’ll never forget.

I accepted I had multiple sclerosis a long time ago. Well, that’s what I had been telling myself anyway. But nothing could have prepared me for when I heard the words come out of the neurologists mouth. There was a tiny part of me that was secretly praying it was anything else, just not MS.

Going into work the next day, I sat in my car for the longest time, willing myself to move and continue with the day. I kept telling myself, out loud, over and over again, to stay positive – hopefully no one saw me in the carpark!! It’s not a terminal illness. My life isn’t ending. I had an amazing job, but all I kept thinking was, why now? Why right before I’m about to start my training contract! Why did I have to go to the doctor in the first place? Why couldn’t I have just ignored the problem and prayed it went away on it’s own. That used to work so well when I was a kid.

Looking back at my week, I remembered when my parents used to tell me to keep my personal and private life separate. I understand – working for my family’s business, they didn’t want my sister and I screaming at each other for stealing the others clothes, might look a tad unprofessional. I lived by that. So whilst I got on well with my team from day 1, I never expected to become so close to them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still a very private person, but I trust them, enough to tell them about a diagnosis I was too embarrassed to tell some of my closest friends about. They’ve definitely become part of my support network – I really don’t think I would have stayed sane this year, with the court case, covid and now this, without them!

But working, with a progressive condition, at such a young age is hard. The physical effects I can deal with. Most of the time anyway. It’s the mental effects that are the hardest. I spoke with other young people working with similar conditions and we wrote a post (more like a collection of our rambles) to hopefully shed some light and help others who might be feeling the same way.

Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. I’m going to log off now and enjoy my loooooong weekend.

Lots of love,

Ang xx