Week 17: My first mediation

📆 18.01.21 – 22.01.21 📆

To whoever is reading this,

I finally feel like I know what I’m doing.

I never realized how many reviews take place in a law firm, but its good, it forces me to self reflect – something I hated with a passion at uni. I feel like I’ve come a long way, both in multiple professional skills as well as personal. I’m a lot more confident – I’ll always be grateful to the firm for letting me start work a year before my training contract. I’m no longer the socially awkward girl that hid in the car park on the first day🤣

It’s crazy how much I’ve learned from being in this team. But even so, what’s fun is that I’m learning something new every single day.

During my first month, I’d be paranoid about sending emails out, not sure if the content was correct, I used the right language, it sounded “professional” enough. Now, some of the emails we use as precedents, I’ve drafted. I definitely feel like an imposter, people email me to ask for my “expert advice.” If only they knew who was at the other end of the email…

Growing up in Kent my entire life, my younger self couldn’t wait to leave. I went to university in Birmingham and London (if you’ve read my blog on my court case, you’ll know what a disaster that was) and as soon as I graduated, realised how much I missed home.

I was never attracted to city firms. I had countless interviews, assessment centres, work experience and 2 offers but knew I would hate the crazy long hours and the little responsibility you get given. I knew that my firm would be different. My boss always lets me try – I probably create more work for him as he always has to check everything, but -I can truthfully say, every day, I’m learning something new. Even so, when I found out I’d be able to do a meditation by myself, I was shocked. I’d never done one before, so of course, I was up all night YouTubing ‘how to mediate.’ In the past, I would have asked someone more experienced to do it, but I promised myself when I started this job, that anything that made me feel even a little bit uncomfortable, I’d volunteer to do. That’s exactly what I did this week, and it paid off!

So my advice? Don’t be afraid to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. It’s better to make a mistake and learn from it, that never progress.

Wow, it’s super late and I’m starting to sound like a fortune cookie, so I’m going to sign off now, but hope you all have a great weekend and I’ll be back next week with any updates.

Love Ang xx