
Health & Safety Regulations

Regardless of whether your a Lodger or a Tenant, your Landlord must comply with the following Regulations:

Gas Safety

(c) lodgerguide

A registered gas safe engineer needs to install and maintain all gas equipment.

Subsequently, they need to carry out a gas safety inspection annually.

All gas safety engineers will have an identity card (a sample of which is provided above).

Landlord’s must give you a copy of their gas safety check record either before you move in or at most, within 28 days of the check being conducted.

Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1987

(c) lodgerguide

Any furniture provided by the Landlord must comply with these regulations.

A smoke alarm needs to be supplied on every floor.

If a room contains any solid fuel burning appliance, then a carbon monoxide alarm needs to be provided.

There must accessible escape routes at all times.

If you are living in a large property with multiple occupants, fire alarms and extinguishers need to be provided.

Product safety regulations

(c) Linely & Simspon

All the ITEMS that is provided by a Landlord needs to be in a safe working condition.

Your landlord has a duty to ensure electrical safety. For example, they must make sure:

  • the electrical system is safe
  • all supplied appliances are safe

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